Tuesday 30 July 2013

30/52........Hello Term 3!

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

School holidays are now officially over.  Term 3 is here and now underway.  We were lucky with the weather and the fact that Mr H took a weeks holiday from the winery.  These two factors played a MAJOR part in me keeping my sanity over the two week break.

We made the most of the weather and spent alot of time outdoors.  In the garden, every park we could think of and the beach.  Our mission every day was to tire the boys out each morning before heading home for lunch and afternoons spent around home.

Not alot of money was spent.  This is not a hard task when living in a relatively small coastal/country town.  There is no pressure to take them to things.

Yes there were cries of "I'm bored" but it is amazing how they can quickly amuse themselves and find forgotten toys when said cries are ignored and they are forced to use their imagination.

I really loved these school holidays and can quite honestly say I looking forward to the next one!

Bell - I'm finding it harder and harder to photograph her.  She is'nt around as much as the boys are and over the past week in particular I have hardly had my camera out.  Here she is helping me with the washing - I took a quick snap of her over the washing line.
Tom - It was Mr H's Birthday on the weekend.  Tom is helping with the BBQ prep by tossing some chicken around in olive oil, salt and pepper. He loves helping in the kitchen.
George - This kid can eat!  He will finish his meal, then move around the table finishing off the leftovers from everyone else's plate.

Very happy to be joining in with Jodi's "52 project".


  1. Lovely post. Looks like everyone's got their hands full there!

  2. It's amazing what they can get up too when they're out and about! :) x


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