Sunday, 1 September 2013



The black and white edition..........

I switched my camera on today to find that someone has been playing with it and switched it to black and white.  The following conversation took place:

Me: Strange, my photos are coming out all black and white.

Mr H: That is because the setting has been switched over.

Me:  If I had known my camera did that I would have been taking a whole lot more photos in black and white!!!

Mr H: **Shakes head and rolls eyes**.

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Bell - The ski jacket we bought for her school trip has been given a workout this weekend.  Unbelievable amounts of rain (and cold) in the last few days which has also resulted in a mini flood in Bell's "teen retreat" which is now a "teen resort", complete with indoor swimming pool!
Tom - Feeling better - off outdoors with Bell to walk Maybell.  He can't wait to return to kindy this week.
George - poor thing....a weekend of being unwell and a trip to the doctors.  Lots of time spent staring out this window, wanting to get outside to get muddy and wet.

Very happy to be joining in with Jodi's "52 project".


  1. Aaah - technology! Learn something new every day huh?!? My mother in law shouts 'For God's sake - don't break the telly' if you flip over to the programme guide screen. She calls it 'That blue screen with the small picture thing'

  2. Such a wonderful thing if only we had time to find out what it all did, and how to operate it. Wish I knew how to use all my gadgets, will have to look and see if my camera does B&W! See, just shows that all sorts can be an inspiration, even if it is also an exasperation!!!

  3. Ha! I think that same thing would happen to me! I am loving the black and white friend! And I am hoping that your little guy is well really soon! Here is to a great weekend!

  4. Oh no, I hope not too much damage was done! Hope your little fellows are feeling much better. Love your gorgeous pansies.

  5. Love your new banner/header!
    Beautiful kiddies as always x

    1. Thank you! I have discovered Pic Monkey. Easy peasy - even for me. xo

  6. There's something about black and white photos....certainly my favourite! Funny, my Mum does not agree, and I find many older folk are the same. It's strange how we sometimes admire what the other generation grew up with, because we didn't!
    PS The new blog header looks great x

    1. Thank you! I am quietly chuffed with myself for putting it together. Hooray for Pic Monkey xo


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