Sunday, 19 May 2013


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Bell - Shes LOVES technology.  I'm not a huge fan.  Consequently we are always clashing over the subject.
Tom - Making his way into the Playroom through the "secret door".  He is not a fan of having his photo taken.  This is as good as it gets this week.
George - I was trying to get a photo of him sitting on the wooden bench.  He kept on grabbing for the camera.  I might have better luck next week!

Very happy to be joining in with Jodi's "52 project".


  1. Ha! I like how you posted real life! You will have to give me pointers on the tech stuff when my beans get older...I know it's coming...I'm just not ready!!! Take care and have a wonderful Sunday!

  2. Lovely snap shots, mine used to always on the move too, I've got lots of blurred 'action' shots from when they were younger! :) x

  3. Love the real life snaps too. Try as I might to capture a proper portrait, I am always drawn to the outtakes. :)

  4. looks like a lot of real fun going on...besides the technology debate! Hope that one sorts out seem inevitable and I know I'll be feeling out of my deepth when my two push those boundaries x

  5. What a character, I am lucky.. as so far my 4 all love having their photos taken. We clash over technology here too, trying to find the right balance.

  6. Your secret door playroom is just so so cool. My girl is the same, almost impossible to get a non blurry shot, she really has a boy temperament. mel x

  7. The technology thing is a hard one isn't it. Our 5 y/o is already such a digital native, finding that balance and protecting her from the not so positive elements of online as she gets older is daunting! I'd love to hear more on how you guys handle it. Also, a secret trap door to the playroom?? Best thing ever! Belinda x


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