Wellington! Three days and two nights away with Mr H. Lots of exploring the city and shops, eating, eating and more eating, Te Papa museum an art gallery or two and plenty of cocktails. I missed the kids but it was so nice to have some time away.

Artwork by Tom and signed. He has never been one for sitting down and drawing so it was really great to find this on the blackboard. As we are preparing him for school in January he is starting to draw and write his name more and more now.

This was our first Christmas tree made from some branches we trimmed from a tree in the garden. After coming back from our trip it was all shrivelled and stinky. So we actioned another non perishable tree.

All dressed up to party. I swear these two have a busier social life than me.

We spent Sunday afternoon at a local winery have a few drinks and listening to a great local band. Kids were welcome and they had a great time running around outside and playing in the cubby house.

We have had crazy weather this week. Hot and humid days and then rolling thunder and rain (and sometimes hail) in the afternoon. I have been loving the fact that it cools everyone down, waters the garden and fills our water tank.

Homemade Christmas mince pies and preserves from Em. I love the tin. The late Queen mum wearing a very fabulous yellow number.

My Advent Swap partner Kimberley from
Creative Chaos sent me these gorgeous wash cloths as a thank you. She is so crafty and clever! I'm hoping to photograph my amazing Advent Swap goodies given to my by
TracyP tomorrow and share them with you. I'm so blown away by her generosity and attention to detail. I swear she has been in my head!

Have actioned Nigella's
chocolate fudge recipe. I made it last year and it is so delicious. It is in the fridge setting as I type and will be cut up and popped into these Christmas ramekins and wrapped up with cellophane and bows. Tom and I stamped labels for them too. He is really looking forward to handing them out to his Kindy teachers tomorrow.

And for the Kindy Christmas party I have made
Rice Bubble slice, adding marshmallows this time. Yum!
So that's me lately. I have the last two Christmas parties tomorrow and a few pressies to wrap. We are packing up and heading North for Christmas in a couple of days. I will be cleaning madly as we have friends coming to house sit and enjoy the music festivals that happen down our way over the New Year. How we will pack up and leave the house spotless in time for them to arrive I am still trying to get my head around. I swear there are naughty fairies who undo all my good work as I go!
Merry Christmas!

"I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is."
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